Timm Kurtz is a veteran artist, writer, educator, and innovator.  Born in Redwood City, California, Timm spent most of his first 28 years in the Rocky Mountains around Denver, Colorado.  Featured in trade magazines like Airbrush Action, Airbrush International, USA ART, and many others, Timm has over 35 years experience creating Fine Art, Illustrations, Murals, Digital Graphics, and 3-D Art.  Additionally, Timm has over 25 years work related experience in education, instruction, and creative venues such as culinary arts, paint contracting, home building, and entrepreneurship.  Timm and his family founded The Roast House System - a grouping of franchise prototypes that offer healthy fast-casual dining establishments.  Additionally, Timm helped found Cowboy Reenactments during a period when he worked with his father Earl "Skip" Kurtz and Brother Joseph Kurtz to develop a safer alternative to Black Powder for use in Muzzloaders and Primitive arms.  Timm is featured in several national gun and firearms magazine with the invention Golden Powder he helped to create.  Timm currently lives with his wife and three boys in Weaverville, North Carolina.